A policeman saves the life of a choking girl, reminding us of the importance of knowing how to act

Knowing first aid and resuscitation techniques is something that we should probably all know, as it is good to know how to apply them in case an accident, drowning or choking happens. But are we prepared?

A video of a policeman saving a 14 month old baby who was choking It has gone viral, reminding us that knowing what to do and how to act could save a life.

What would you do if your child chokes or drowns? Would you know how to act if such a situation arises? Probably the majority of fathers and mothers have some basic idea or notion about what we should do, but perhaps not everyone knows how to do it the right way.

In an impressive video that has been shared by various means, we can see how accidents can occur in a second, reminding us of the importance of knowing how to act and never let our guard down when it comes to our children, especially when they are little ones.

Ana Graham was with her two young children in a mall in Florida, United States, when her 14-month-old daughter Lucia, who was eating chicken nuggets, began to choke. As shown in the video, Ana immediately noticed that something with her daughter was not right and quickly took her out of the stroller where she was sitting.

According to the interview conducted by My Palm Beach Post, one of the local media, Ana explains that the girl, who had been eating solid foods since the age of nine months, had never had any problems until that moment.

The video shows how the mother He tried to do the maneuver the pediatrician had taught him, putting his daughter upside down and hitting her back, so that he could expel the food that was causing the choking, but it was unsuccessful and Lucia began to get purple.

Then the two police officers appeared, fortunately they were in their lunch hour and were nearby, so they could quickly go to Ana to help. One of them, Agent Robert Ayala, continued trying to get Lucia to expel the piece of food, while the other agent, Rafael Guadalupe, called the paramedics and tried to calm the mother.

However, Lucia continued to choke, so the policeman tried to reach the food with his hand, but failed. Finally, he turned the girl upside down and with a couple of strong blows he finally threw out the piece of food that had stuck in his throat.

Lucia was examined by paramedics after the incident, which fortunately was no more serious and after a few minutes she was able to continue eating calmly.

Agent Ayala, who is the father of three children, says that he was only there because he had come to greet his partner, but is usually walking through the aisles of the mall. Recognize that if he knew how to act it was thanks to the training they frequently perform, which includes first aid and lung resuscitation techniques.

Both officers were recognized at a ceremony where the whole family of little Lucia was present, including her mother, who has declared that they were heroes and that they came to them as two angels from heaven.

News like these They remind us of the importance of all of us knowing first aid and lung resuscitation techniques, from children to adults, but especially as parents, because we have children in our care and it never hurts to be prepared to know how to act in case of a choking.

Video: Newborn Choking We Called 999 - Birth to One Vlog #1 (April 2024).