How will the first child get along with the brother who is about to arrive?

We are waiting for the second child, which we are full of expectations in relation to how our firstborn will react with the little brother that is about to arrive. So far Lucas has shown great interest in the little boy in my belly and often manifests his plans including the baby.

As he is very old (he is four years old) I do not think he will be very jealous because at this age he is more independent, of course, he will surely show jealousy but not as marked as a younger child would. In these cases, age determines its behavior with the brother who has come home.

Although we must remember that each child is a world with needs and interests that vary from one individuality to another, they retain common psychological traits in their development. Each child will react in different ways depending on how old he is when the baby is born.

If the first child is between 10 and 18 months, he will think that he has always been with his little brother, because he still does not have the notion of "me." He will be jealous but will not live them consciously. As they grow their understanding will be greater when it takes a short time. If the age is between 18 and 36 months the impact will be greater. He will be jealous as he is in the "rebellious" age, in which he strengthens his personality and will think that his parents have grown tired of him.

Between 3 and five years the baby will be a minor threat. You have more emotional independence and can prepare for the arrival of the baby. Participating and helping parents with the little brother will help fight jealousy. Although the games will not share much the distance will be less as they grow.

When they are more than five years apart they will share the games less, which does not imply that the fraternal relationship is less affective. To mitigate jealousy, you must be involved in caring for the newcomer, feeling delighted with the new task.

Video: Biography of the Wright Brothers for Children: Orville and Wilbur Wright for Kids - FreeSchool (May 2024).