Educate children about the products of organic farming in schools

Food education is an indispensable and necessary topic so that children in the future do not suffer the consequences of poor diet, such as overweight, obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc. If children are also educated about the importance of healthy products being obtained through environmentally friendly techniques, the combination of both issues will provide an adequate understanding of what is and represents the sustainability of resources.

To this end, the Andalusian Government has created different projects with an interesting purpose, the consumption of organic food in healthy diets. An example would be the Organic Food for School Project of Andalusia, which resulted in more than 2,500 children eating a healthy diet using organic products. Through this project it was also intended that Children will appreciate the concept of organic farming and the importance of ingredients such as vegetables or fruits among others in our diet. In this new 2006/2007 school edition, the program has been increased and already covers 50 centers including kindergartens, with the participation of children of up to 6,000 children.

It is very important and necessary that the different autonomous governments take note of the programs carried out by the Andalusian government and carry out similar programs designed to teach children the importance of a healthy, balanced diet and also to teach them what are the differences between the different types of food and food.

If you want to eliminate from our society overweight and obesity, these types of programs are an indicated step, although of course, it must be combined with food education at home. Do you agree?

Video: What is organic farming? Biology for All. FuseSchool (May 2024).