Wrap the baby for safety

It is one of those tips of the grandmother that is very effective when it comes to calming and clothing the baby.

It is a technique that was once used to keep the baby's back straight, but fortunately today the function is another.

The objective of wrap the newborn baby in a blanket is to remind him of the pleasant feeling he had inside the mother's womb.

The softness of the tight blanket around your body contains the baby and provides security, even calming crying and cramping in some cases.

The pressure of the wrap is essential to achieve the desired effect. Logically, the wrapping cannot be too tight so as not to harm it, but also not too loose because instead of providing security it could cause the opposite effect.

How to do it correctly? For starters, it is very important that the blanket be made of cotton or a soft and soft material. If it's summer, it can be a cotton sheet or a yarn summer blanket.

Lay the baby on the blanket leaving it at the level of the neck. Surround the baby's body and arm with one end, with the arms and knees bent leaving your hands free. Do the same with the other end tensing the blanket.

Then lift the baby and take it in arms tight against your body.

This will calm down any discomfort, in addition to giving security and shelter.

Video: Solly Baby Wrap Newborn Carry Tutorial (May 2024).