A multimedia game for children to know asthma

A new multimedia game created by the Allergy section of the Pediatric Service and the Sant Joan de Déu School of the Althaia Foundation, it will serve children to know asthma.

You can access the game through this link, but you should know that it is in Catalan, which is not right for us and from here we ask you to think about children from all over Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.

At the moment only a few children can enjoy this tool that educates about the disease they suffer. Your family members will also learn more about asthma, about diagnosis, triggers, treatments, prevention and environmental control standards. They place special emphasis on the administration of medication, so through play, children will become aware of how important it is to take care of themselves.

They have made 2,000 copies on CD of this game that they will distribute among asthmatic children from 6 to 13 years old, maybe they are in Spanish, because they will distribute a small part of them throughout the country, we assume that in the health centers to give it to know, since they are very few copies.

Be that as it may, an initiative that can be attractive and helpful for asthmatic children and their families.

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