31 tips for my daughter to make her life fuller

As mothers and fathers, we have the enormous and important responsibility of raising another human being. But this not only includes covering their basic care such as food and hygiene, but also educating them so that they are safe, strong and happy people.

That's why today, from my role as a mom, I want to share my 31 tips for my daughter, based on my experience and those I consider will help you have a fuller life in the future.

Read everything you can

As an avid reader, I would like nothing more, for you to share my love for books. In them you can not only learn, but you will be able to discover and live wonderful stories that will blow your imagination. Sometimes, that answer you are looking for, you can find in a book.

Do exercise

Staying active will help you not only to have a good condition, but to prevent and reduce the risk of certain diseases or complications in the future. Don't do it just to stay thin or look good, do it for health.

Keep studying

Learning is a wonderful experience that many people stop doing when they have finished their studies. But this does not have to be like this. Continue studying, choose a subject and master it completely or learn a bit of everything.

Celebrate the little triumphs

We are used to celebrating more those great events, which we usually forget that beautiful things happen around us all the time. Celebrate those little things in life: good news, something you thought was lost and you have found it, or the advances you make in whatever you set out, however small they may be.

Be nice

You never know what the person in front of you or next to you might be going through. Be kind and give him a smile. You will feel good and you will make your day better.

Never stop dreaming

What would life be like if we stopped dreaming? It is almost certain that on your way you will meet people who will discourage you, but that is why you should not stop chasing your dreams. The sky is the limit.

Nourish your mind

In addition to studying and learning, you must also take care and pamper your mind. Surround yourself with positive people, fill yourself with enthusiasm, meditate, reflect and focus on the good.

Be gentle with yourself

From your tender age I can realize that you have character and you are a girl with initiative. You like to do things for yourself and you usually look for the best way to do it. Keep up with that push that characterizes you, but remember to be gentle with yourself when things do not go as planned.

Ask for help

And speaking of your abilities, you will probably find yourself in situations where by yourself you will not be able to find a solution or achieve things. Ask for help, it will not make you less capable and we all need a hand from time to time.

Laugh at life

Throughout your life you will live experiences of all kinds, both good and bad. But how you live them will depend a lot on your attitude. Choose to laugh at life, and your problems will feel lighter.

Say what you feel

Express your emotions freely. If you love or love someone, tell them. You never know when it will be the last time you see them.

Learn to say "no"

And also, if you find yourself in an awkward situation or if someone tries to take advantage of you, I want you to be ready to defend yourself and know how to say "no."

Have an open mind

On the way you will surely meet people who think differently from you or have a posture opposite to what you manifest. Respect it as long as it does not harm you or others.

Listen to your inner voice

That little voice that alerts you when something is not right? It is your instinct. Listen to him, follow him and trust him. If you are not totally comfortable or sure to do something, listen to what it has to say and pay attention to it.

Thank what you have

Many times we take all the things we have for granted, but when we think a little, we can realize how lucky we are. Thank every thing and beautiful detail you have, you will appreciate the true value of everything and how beautiful life is.

Keep your word

In a time when promises seem to go away with the wind, I want you to understand the value and importance of keeping your word. She is all you have and will shape the image you will give to others, be consistent between what you say and do.

Eat fruits and vegetables

I know it sounds like advertising, but it really is important that you do it. A varied and balanced diet, with more natural and less processed products, will make you feel better physically and emotionally.

Spend time alone

Live with your family and friends, but also spend time for yourself. Being alone and without distractions will allow you to connect with yourself and get to know yourself better.

Beat your fears

It is normal that there are situations that scare us, but one of the most beautiful ways to grow is to overcome your fears. It requires courage, and many times change can make us nervous, but once you beat them, you will feel even stronger.

Be yourself

Do not be afraid to be who you are, proud of every little thing that makes you unique and special. Talk, laugh, sing, play, jump and do what makes you happy. Do not live to please others.

Do not compare yourself with others

The famous phrase says that comparison is the thief of joy. Focus on being the best version of you and that your only comparison is with yourself.

Recognize your mistakes

No one is perfect and every now and then we all make mistakes. But instead of hiding or denying them, recognize them, rectify and learn from them.

Speaks out

Never shut up Learning to leave a situation in which you are not respected or valued will serve not only to protect you, but to teach others limits.

Live the moment

The past has already been and the future is uncertain. All that matters is the present. Live the moment you are in and enjoy it, that life goes away in a sigh.

Use your words carefully

Sometimes, when we let our emotions overflow, we may say some things that we didn't really mean. Take care of your words and think twice before making any comments that can be taken negatively.

It is never too late

This particular tip, I want you to not forget: it is never too late. What does it matter if you couldn't do it before? Get into that dance class, learn Italian, travel the world. But never stay with the desire to do that which excites you.

Help others selflessly

Doing good to others is something that enriches the soul. When you can, help those who need it selflessly. The power of a grateful smile is one of the most beautiful rewards we can receive.

Love your body

I want you to be at peace with your body. Forget the fashion magazines, which only give us unreal and retouched images. Every part of you is beautiful, every imperfection is perfect. Love and take care of your body.

Do not depend on anyone

Trust others and have the humility to ask for help when you need it. But also learn to fend for yourself, to be able to solve your problems and not just depend on someone else.

Trust yourself

Don't underestimate yourself and trust your ability to do things. Believe me, you are stronger and braver than you think. Trust you and do things with your heart.

Above all, love yourself first

If you are going to give something, let it be love for others. But remember first of all, love you first and not forget about yourself for caring for others. It is not selfishness, it is self-love.

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