Bilingualism, beneficial for children

A study prepared by researchers from the University of Barcelona indicates that Bilingual adolescents have a higher performance than that of monolingual adolescents in tasks that do not require the use of language.

It seems that bilingual people continuously control the two languages ​​they master, in order to ensure that their words are produced in the appropriate language thus avoiding certain linguistic interferences that are not desired. The linguistic control that must be carried out allows, in tasks that language is not required but greater attention and concentration are better carried out. This study only shows that it is convenient for children to learn from an early age another language besides the mother tongue. There are many positive aspects to gain, their intellectual formation and their ability to concentrate, intellectual factors that will help you tomorrow.

In Babies and more we have already talked about bilingual children, our partner Dolores, informed us about the doubts by some specialists if it was advisable for a child to learn more than one language since childhood. We believe that it is recommended and beneficial, and you?

Video: The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli (July 2024).