Baby, an acid comedy about fatherhood

Yesterday the play was premiered at the Arniches Theater in Alicante "Baby", a comedy with an acid touch that shows the conflicts and fears that arise in a couple when they decide to expand the family.

With smart text, they show us that childhood is what marks the future adolescent and adult, that parents, education, experiences and the environment of child life build the personality and character of adults.

All this shown with a touch of different humor styles to show a possible drama, but without forgetting the hope of a happy life. Baby is an adaptation of the original text Baby with the Bathwater, by Christopher Durang, and is represented by the Valencian theater company La Pavana, with actors from the small and the big screen.

This work that began its tour last November in Aldaia (Alicante), has toured several Alicante theaters, in January it was in Valencia, today they act again in Alicante, later they will inaugurate the Autonomy Theater Fair in Madrid next 6 March, without a doubt, a work that theater fans and the general public should not miss. Hopefully the tour is very wide and we can enjoy it throughout the country.

Video: Collin Moulton on parental instincts - Dry Bar Comedy (July 2024).