Zero marijuana during breastfeeding: it passes through breast milk and stays in it for up to six days

During pregnancy and lactation, there are certain medications and substances that should be avoided, as these can pass to the baby through the placenta or breast milk, as the case may be. One of those things that is recommended and advised to avoid pregnant and nursing mothers, is the use of drugs, as these could seriously affect the baby.

While this advice is something that can be considered common sense, some mothers use marijuana during breastfeeding, thinking that it does not happen to their children, however a recent study found that marijuana does pass the baby through breast milk, and stays in it for up to six days.

Published in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, andThe study analyzed whether there were traces or traces of the marijuana that mothers consumed, in their breast milk, as well as the amount of time that remained there.

Analyzing the breast milk samples of 54 mothers who used marijuana, it was found that in 63% of them there was tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana and that produces the effects we all know.

In addition, it was found that this ingredient remained in the breast milk until six days later from the last time the mothers had used marijuana.

We had previously shared that according to research, the use of marijuana to mitigate nausea in pregnancy continued to increase in the United States, Although medical professionals have warned about its use during pregnancy.

While there are no studies yet that thoroughly analyze the effect that marijuana produces on babies who receive it through their mothers, Pediatricians recommend avoiding it while breastfeeding, because this proves that it does happen to them.

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