Albinism in babies, it is necessary to detect it in the neonatology services

One of the congenital defects that need to be detected as soon as possible is albinism., a genetic abnormality characterized by poor melanin production, resulting in a lack of pigmentation in the skin, eyes, etc. Melanin is very important and is what provides color and protection to our skin, our eyes or our hair.

With the early diagnosis of this genetic defect in infants, the future visual defects associated with this defect can be alleviated, although albinism is not degenerative and there is no need to fear an increase in problems, it is necessary to treat time, especially for vision problems. Experts indicate that they need to be the neonatology services those who detect albinism and for this they must be properly trained. This will prevent parents from subsequently wandering from doctor to doctor until it is finally detected that the child is suffering from albinism.

An albino child has up to 10% less visual acuity, they need more light to be able to visualize properly and the only solution is to provide them with the right lenses. Not only does visual acuity fail, there are other alterations such as nystagmus, a disease that is characterized by a continuous and agitated movement of the eyes involuntarily.

The genetic defect does not have much presence in the Spanish population, experts indicate that it affects one in 15,000 people. Albinism is the result of the genetic inheritance that we provide to our children, the little ones inherit from the parents defective copies of the same gene, this favors that the gene in question decreases at a functional level or becomes totally unused, the result is what we have mentioned before, poor or no melanin production.

Video: 2 Month Old Baby Typical & Atypical Development Side by Side (April 2024).