Air conditioning and babies

In these days that the temperature is starting to rise, the eternal conflict with air conditioning and children.

Whether in the car, in shopping centers, or at home, in summer it is very normal that in many places where we go with children there is an air conditioner working.

The question is, do they have any risk to the baby's health?

And the most logical answer is that children, like adults, also have a hard time with a temperature of 35 or 40 degrees. Ideally, we ensure that the baby is in an environment with an approximate temperature of 25 degrees.

Therefore, if we keep the thermostat at a moderate temperature, the air conditioner is a good option as long as some precautions are taken.

We should not place the baby exposed directly to the air flow of the device. It is preferable to dress it with something more warm clothes but keep a more pleasant temperature at home or in the car.

If you have an air conditioner installed in the child's room, turn it on for a while before bed, but turn it off at night, it is not advisable to sleep with the air on

The most negative part of their use is that they eliminate ambient humidity, so it is recommended to ventilate the house during the day or place a humidifier.

It is also important that the devices are well maintained, with their filters clean, because all kinds of waste that can cause respiratory diseases accumulates there.

As advice, when you go out for a walk with the baby, always wear some warm clothes because it can happen that in a shopping center, in a restaurant or in a store where you go the air is very strong.

By mitigating sudden temperature changes, you can prevent the child from catching a cold in the summer, at which time it seems not, but 20% of colds occur, precisely because of the air conditioning.

Video: Is It Safe To Keep Babies in AC or COOLER. What Are Some Precautions To Take (July 2024).