Romania with serious birth problems

Perhaps in Spain we complain that there is a low birth rate or that our population may suffer a setback in the future. We also know that thanks to immigration we have almost guaranteed population growth, but what about the countries where foreigners come from?

We take as an example the Romanian community, during the last 15 years immigrants from that country have not stopped flowing to Spain or other European countries, the result is that in this period, the population of Romania has been reduced by one million people, in Spain there are about 450,000 and that without counting those that are illegally found. Another data consequence of this situation is the reduction of the birth rate being 1.3 children per woman. To this situation we could apply the saying “dress a saint to undress another”, in our case, in Spain the situation has improved, however in Romania it has worsened. Experts believe that this population decline will continue for a few more years.

The truth is that if they do not remedy, maybe in the future Romania will become a country with serious problems to guarantee generational change. The birth rate is decidedly associated with the economic and labor level, at least in European countries.

Video: Growing up in a Romanian orphanage - BBC News (May 2024).