They relate intense exercise to the risk of abortion

Exercise is always recommended, and also during pregnancy, but with the condition that is performed in moderation. We have already given some advice on how it should be practiced.

According to Danish researchers, who have conducted a study with 90,000 women, jogging, playing racket sports or ball games (intensely) as well as exercising more than seven hours a week during the first weeks of pregnancy multiply by three the risk of having a miscarriage.

They also pointed out that the risk decreases from the 8th week and disappears after the 18th week of gestation.

However, some critics of the study argue that running is absolutely safe throughout pregnancy.

It must be said that there are many very beneficial sports for pregnant women such as swimming, one of the most popular, and practices such as yoga or pilates for pregnant women that do not pose any risk but quite the opposite, they benefit by improving the cardiovascular system and muscle tone of the mother.

While practicing high impact exercise is not recommended, it does not mean that if you ever play a game of tennis you will lose the baby.

As we always say, these types of studies serve to make us aware of some possible risks. Therefore, if you usually practice a sport that is not high impact, you can continue doing so whenever you do it in moderation and your doctor advises you.

The important thing is that you do not regularly perform an intense activity and much less start practicing it if you did nothing before getting pregnant. That overexertion to which the body is not accustomed could be counterproductive.

Video: Exercise During Pregnancy (July 2024).