A videogame similar to a tamagotchi is launched in Mexico to promote good habits in children

It seems that the PepsiCo soda company is not very clear on how to promote healthy habits and healthy eating, well, of course it will, but it will not do something that could harm it.

Today we were talking Directly to the Palate about the problems of obesity that Mexico suffers, they are coming to think that in ten years it will hold the absolute record of obesity, surpassing the United States.

At the moment we already know that since 2000, the obesity rate among children aged five and eleven has increased by up to 40%, and they have a serious problem, many families do not have access to healthy eating due to food prices are cheaper to buy snacks and other fast food products that in turn do not provide any health benefit. The issue is that PepsiCo is going to launch a video game similar to a tamagotchi in Mexico to encourage good habits in children, affirm that this video game called "Live Healthy" will teach you to choose what to eat and when to exercise or play, but as much as it teaches you to decide what to eat, if you cannot buy it ...

Criticisms have already been heard, how can they promote good habits when they market a sugary drink that contributes to overweight and obesity? We also know that Mexican children are obsessed with soda and that is that, in most schools there is no natural water.

Pepsi & Co has the nerve to argue that the launch of this video game is a sign that the company cares about children's health and does something in their favor, trying to solve the problem of overweight and obesity. We hope it does not work for them, because in our opinion it is nothing more than a new attempt to win the favor of children.