The University of Seville helps families who adopt foreign children

We can imagine the family revolution that means the adoption of a child. The waiting time (which is usually more than the anxiety of the parents can withstand), bring the child home, the reception by other family members, the child's adaptation ...

Without a doubt, it shouldn't be easy. I try to put myself in the shoes of the adoptive parents and I can assume that there is a whirlwind of mixed emotions. Joy, illusion, insecurities, fears, etc.

To help the family cope better with those moments, the University of Seville through the Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education under the command of Professor Jesús Palacio provides support to those who adopt children from foreign countries like Russia or China.

They have devised a training program that I thought was very realistic, so to speak.

It is based on the work of four basic foundations: the feeling of mutual belonging (both from parents to the child and vice versa), emotional bonding, how to deal with communication regarding the adoptive situation and finally a very interesting point, the readjustment of expectations, that is, to reformulate the ideals that the family had in the beginning to the real situation that occurs when the child is at home.

These types of initiatives are worth mentioning and congratulating. Professional help to families who have adopted a child will help them develop good relationships and create an environment that favors the child's adaptation. In short, an assistance that parents and children will appreciate.