Vak-Vak duck flip flops footwear or toy?

Our partner Koala de Compradicción has surprised me again with these novelties flip flops for kids which have two functions:

  1. They are a cool summer shoes and suitable for the beach and the pool
  2. They're a water gun because they have a water tank in the back and when you step on it, shoot it from the front

I am sure that this has not been invented by a mother / father who then has to take the mop to clean all the water but a designer who only sees his nephews on weekends and few hours.

In any case, I like them a lot, but for To play outdoors, never at home. Koala does not point the price, but this object seems more profitable to me than the giant Happycat cushion he presented to us last week.

Here is the mechanism: