The week in Babies and more: from February 18 to 24

As every Monday today we make a summary of what is published in Babies and more in the week that just ended.

I begin by telling you that on the occasion of the proximity of Father's Day in Spain, in Babies and more we want to honor the parents in their day by dedicating a special section during the month.

For pregnant women MMar gave us 10 tips for exercising during pregnancy and Lola told us about the ABC of healthy pregnancy. And for those who are looking to get pregnant Eva told us about an online ovulation calculator.

Eva also told us about the features that define gifted children and related some of her experiences with her baby: A new cry in my baby: "I get bored."

Lola told us about an interview on how to promote constructive self-esteem in the child, not the destructive one, he told us about a test to detect Menkes syndrome in newborns and the question is asked: What do you expect to create more breast milk banks?

MMar showed us the Pyramid of physical activity for children.

Some studies that we mentioned last week are: premature babies and low birth weight are at greater risk of suffering epilepsy in childhood, another on how famine in pregnancy could be related to the addictions of children. Another one on how the gases emitted by cars affect children's intelligence and Eva mentioned a study that approaches parents' experiences in Neonatal ICUs

When it comes to food, my partner MMar has told us about the growth in the consumption of organic baby food and organic porridge, a healthy option and Lola told us about a new book on infant feeding.

If we talk about products for children Lola told us about the Maclaren Lacoste Stroller, walks with a lot of style and MMar showed us some fun Vak-Vak duck flip flops.

Finally Lola told us that it is nothing more than a myth that there is a relationship between the eclipses of the moon and the sex of babies. We met Bebeame, a message for the news about babies and MyBabyOurBaby, to create the "memories" of our children. In addition, those who are interested are still on time to participate in the 2008 Stokke Photo Contest.

So far the good week summary for everyone!