Pregnancy is the first cause of dismissal among women

It is a shame that on the one hand we tear our clothes for the low birth rates in Spain while on the other news come to light as 90% of young pregnant women suffer maternal mobbing in Spain.

Maternal mobbing or maternal harassment is the discrimination suffered by pregnant women at work. When the news of pregnancy is the greatest joy for a woman, in the workplace it is the worst news.

The data comes from the annual report made by the Madrina Foundation, an association that provides assistance to pregnant youth and adolescents without resources and at risk of social exclusion, violence or abuse, who are the most affected in these cases.

The study also revealed that a 25% of pregnant workers between 18-25 years they are goodbyes, which is outrageous but it is the harsh reality.

Let's see if the Government takes action on the matter once and more than 2,500 euros aid takes really effective measures to solve this problem, we must make things easier for women who want to have children.

When will companies understand that women pay more when we are happy and that pregnancy is not an impediment to work, but quite the opposite, that it is an investment.

To try to fight against this social scourge, experts plan to create the Statute of the Mother so that companies support motherhood and achieve "real" conciliation measures so that motherhood is "a woman's right and a social good."

It seems incredible that the equality between men and women is flaunted and that under the table the contracts of pregnant women are not renewed or the candidacies of young women who in the short term will want to start a family are rejected. It is really outrageous.

Video: How to Use emergency contraceptive pills : Gynaecologist Sameera (July 2024).