What is a lucky baby?

The baby in the picture on the left is Sacha Thyssen Cuesta, the grandson of Baroness Carmen Thyssen, one of the richest women in Europe and is therefore a gold heir.

In the magazine "Woman today heart", which give away with a newspaper, I found an article with this literal heading: “This is the life of Sacha Thyssen Cuesta: two babysitters take care of you day and night and feeds on feeding bottle. He sleeps in a cot valued at 1,115 euros and his room has been decorated by a luxury firm. The future baron Thyssen he is a lucky child

I was quite struck by this last comment and offended in a certain way. If that is being lucky, do youwhat are our children, 99% of the population, without 2 babysitters or luxury room ?, and what's more, what is my son who feeds on something as cheap, popular and mammalian as breastfeeding and does not sleep in his crib or in his room but with their parents? Not lucky, that is: unfortunate?

The comments of the journalist and the choice of these parents faithfully reflect the parenting model What our society values:

  • the sooner the babies become independent the better
  • parents are not essential: babysitters for the rich, nurseries at 0 months for poor (sorry, middle class)
  • the bottle is great, like the tit and much more comfortable because anyone can give it

The 3 assumptions are false and they can have physical, emotional and social consequences. Violent adults have a childhood full of emotional deficiencies, and these 3 points enhance them because they usually prevent contact, heat, bond, etc. that babies need.

I do not doubt that Sacha can be a great person, happy, healthy and peaceful, but so can our children or those of this smiling African woman.

¿What is a lucky baby? In my opinion it has nothing to do with money, but with theLOVE where you grow up and how your emotional needs are met:

  • a desired baby
  • maternal voluntarily by their parents / relatives / caregivers
  • preferably breastfed
  • to be picked up
  • to attend and comfort when he cries
  • and let him be a child.

Some mothers will never have a bad night, they will not drip their milk or their breasts will swell, their arms will not hurt from rocking their children, they will not be hysterical many afternoons, but it remains to be seen that they receive the same rewards as the haggard mothers who are willingly to cannon foot of the upbringing.

Money can buy comfort, but it cannot buy either maternal / paternal instinct or wisdom.

Video: Lucky Baby birth month. Islam Advisor (July 2024).