Can we compare the ham to Coca Cola?

You can compare, is what they do in the new Coca Cola ad that you can see in the video. But it seems to me an advertisement, if not misleading, that can induce a lot of error. If I bring this ad here it is because it touches one of our main topics, nutrition, and so that we realize that, even if they want to make us see it, Coca Cola It's not as good as ham for our children

The ad talks about the myths that have ended up falling, such as that the microwave can be harmful, that the ham was harmful or that Coca-Cola removes rust from the screws and serves as a plunger. It also mixes with these myths, superstitions like passing salt in your hand brings bad luck.

But Coca Cola does not have any superstition, and although some of the effects attributed to it are not real, some of it is true in them ... But it is not necessary to go to its corrosive components for certain materials (not to the human body). Let us simply keep the excessive sugar intake of the drink, taken, as seen in the advertisement, every day, in each house, and 3 in 3 bottles on the table.

However, in Babies and more we have talked on many occasions that ham is an ideal part of a healthy diet.

Because while scientific studies support that Serrano ham is a very important healthy dietary elementNothing similar happens with Coca-Cola. Doubt always hangs over the cola.

We know that 100 grams of serrano ham provide a large amount of protein, vitamins and minerals necessary for children to grow properly. However, the consumption of soft drinks or juices with high sugar content is associated with the overweight of young children, cavities ...

Similarly, carbonated beverages are associated with other negative effects such as calcium and iron deficiency or loss of appetite.

So, I think comparing ham and Coca Cola does not meet reality. Of course, what they are looking for is selling, but to what extent is this comparison lawful that can mislead many consumers?

Video: COCA COLA HAM (May 2024).