A permissive education favors aggressiveness, and can lead to court

In Babies and more, we have repeatedly talked about the dangers that permissive education can lead to during childhood. Now we realize that that fact of educating without limits or values ​​can take parents to court.

The Court of Seville has determined that badly educating children is a crime if they cause harm to another. The judges believe that the mother of a teenager who beat up a partner is responsible for those damages and must pay for the reconstruction of the victim's mouth. The reason: not having properly educated your child.

We can ask ourselves what is the proper way to educate a child, and probably each parent would give a different answer. But what seems clear to me is that, given a barbarity committed by a minor, yes you can look for responsibilities in parents.

In addition, not a few families are those who run this potential risk of ending up sitting on the bench. According to a study by a team of sociologists, 42% of parents are part of "nominal families", that is, permissive family nuclei, where what prevails is that there are no conflicts and for this no rules or limits are established.

With this sentence it is said that everyone educates their children in their own way, but each one there with the consequences if they are allowed to do whatever they want, if they are not set limits, if they disregard their education and coexistence values ​​are not transmitted to them. So, the chances of children being aggressive later and harming others could fall judicially on those responsible.

According to Javier Urra, the first Ombudsman for the Minor of the Community of Madrid and author of "The Little Tyrant," spoiled children can become aggressive teenagers, because they are not used to being opposed by anyone.

Lack of time, fatigue, regrets for not giving children all the attention they would like, unstructured families, low birth rate, overabundance, consumerism ... the causes are multiple so that in the end the children do not know that, apart from their rights, they also have homework. The feeling is that society is changing in this sense, although slowly.

A phrase that "Supernanny" said to some parents comes to mind: "If you let me now call you 'eh, uncle' from there to 'fool' or other insults, there is a step."

And many parents come to mind with whom I have interviewed as a teacher for their children. The permissiveness and lack of rules is often seen as something natural, and always the culprit of aggressive behavior of the child is another. Of course, according to his point of view, neither the parents nor the boy or girl himself. Many times a meeting with those responsible explains a lot of things at a stroke that happen in the classroom.

Video: Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome CME Episode. Incident Report 234 (May 2024).