Lazoos: new social network to share the experience of being parents

Thanks to our Genbeta colleagues, we know Lazoos, a new social network of the Intercon group focused on fathers, mothers and professionals where to share their own experiences.

When registering you have to make your own profile (including photos) and you can choose the preferred privacy level: completely public (which is how it comes by default), completely private, protected (limiting access to registered Lazoos users) or restricted, where only friends and family can access.

Its strong point is the forums where debates are divided into different topics: pregnancy, health, babies, children, adolescents, adoption, education, free time, groups and families.

Also has a shopping area which is a directory of products divided by categories. Information, guidance price and valuation appear on each product.

Well, it is an option for those who do not have a personal blog, or regardless of this, they want to belong to a wider network.

I do not know what kind of parenting philosophy inspire the parents of this forum, I guess it will be very eclectic. Personally, although I am not a forum participant, I prefer those with a certain line of values ​​(although open and tolerant) because you know what to expect.

At the moment there are several forums of good quality on the Internet and with a high level of information, continuously updated thanks to its very active members and aware of respectful upbringing. It is these forums: Raising with the heart, Natural upbringing, Sleeping without crying, Raising and loving, and Raising creating. Surely there are many more, but I don't know them.

Of course, Union make force.

Video: Dr. Jane Goodall's "Message of Peace" at the . Zoo (July 2024).