Naked pregnant women in art, where are they?

How many times have we seen naked female bodies in art history? Hundreds: "The naked Maja" of Goya, "The Three Graces" of Rubens, "Breakfast on the grass" of Manet, etc.

How many times have we seen naked pregnant women in such pictures? I think never.

But I discovered in a beautiful blog about life, hipster women and motherhood conscious artist Violeta L. Valdor who has always worked on body language and since 1997, painting a pregnant model, began to reflect on the aesthetic invisibility of the nude of the pregnant woman.

These are the 3 questions that were asked:

  1. Why in many cultures do women hide their bodies during pregnancy?
  2. Why is this a subject so little present in the history of painting?
  3. Why have so few writers talked about the immense beauty of a pregnant woman?

She looks for her answers by painting pregnant women. A great job that normalizes the beauty and daily life of this state when the latest labor news almost sees it as a curse and is the first cause of dismissal.

In the past, women were considered as mere receptacles of the baby in formation and taboos prevented her from seeing her as a woman in a different phase of her life: lush, powerful, vital, attractive, magnetic, ...

Pregnancy is part of women's sexuality and as such must be treated.

The magazines increasingly give space to the famous pregnant and naked as Demi Moore or Monica Belluci in the magazine Vanity Fair.

But our society also runs the risk of demand too much from the pregnant woman: That this beautiful, sexy, that works as before, ... that is to say that she lives as if she was not pregnant. And this is a serious mistake that negatively affects the baby.

Therefore, it is necessary to show the beauty and splendor of pregnancy but without forgetting the sacred, magical and reflexive aspect of these 9 months. Because our baby is inside.