Turn the baby that comes from the buttocks (video)

In this video we can see how a external cephalic version, a maneuver performed by a team of specialized doctors to turn the baby that is placed on the mother's womb's buttocks.

It is not a very widespread practice since there are few professionals prepared to do it correctly. The Hospital de Cruces in Barakaldo (Basque Country) is one of the centers where a team consisting of one or two obstetricians and a midwife performs this maneuver that lasts about 5 minutes and does not need anesthesia.

It is assumed that when the baby comes from buttocks the delivery will inevitably be by caesarean section, but it is not always the case. This maneuver is a previous measure to try to avoid it and even in certain cases vaginal delivery with the baby in that position is also viable.

It must be said that not all versions come out as planned. In some cases it is not possible to turn the baby or it is not possible to try due to some medical contraindication.

In any case, the objective is to reduce the number of caesarean sections and according to hospital data, a caesarean section has been avoided for every four versions.

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