Symptoms of ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy

An ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy It is a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. It happens in two percent of pregnancies when the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus.

Pregnancies outside the uterus are not viable, being a frequent cause of gestational loss in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is essential to detect it in time as it is dangerous for women, so We tell you what are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, which usually coincide with the classic symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, breast tenderness, fatigue, weakness and abdominal pain.

  • Colic in the lower abdomen, initially, on one side. Pain may occur when urinating, having a bowel movement, coughing or making sudden movements. If a tube rupture occurs, the pain would be very sharp and constant for a short time and spread throughout the pelvic area.

  • Blood loss or vaginal bleeding: Some women have unusual mild bleeding, while if the fallopian tube ruptures, apart from the pain, severe bleeding occurs.

  • When you have a pregnancy test, the result can be positive because pregnancy hormone (GCH) is detected in blood. However, if the GCH level is not rising fast enough, the doctor may suspect an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Some women suffer nausea and dizziness, as well as fainting or weakness. If the tube breaks, rapid and weak pulse and cold and moist skin are also common.

  • Low back pain, in the lower back.

  • Low blood pressure.

  • Some women feel shoulder pain and / or rectal pressure.

If you have any of these symptoms see a doctor right away, who will perform an ultrasound to check the location and viability of the embryo.


Video: Understanding causes, symptoms and treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy. Dr. Farheen Faruque (May 2024).