How to encourage reading in children: nine keys to love books

Books have magic: they have the power to introduce you to other worlds and make you travel millions of kilometers without having to move from where you are. It is certainly one of the most beautiful habits that we can instill in our children.

But how can we make them get closer to books? I share some tips to help you encourage reading in children: nine keys to love books.

Make them part of your day

Children are observers and imitators by nature, so one of the best ways we have as adults for a child to start doing something or learn something, is setting the example first we.

To encourage reading, you have to make books part of your day or daily routine from an early age. Make sure they see you reading, as well as reading them stories every day, so that they begin to see them as something everyday and an activity that they can do as a family or individually.

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Let them choose their first books

Although probably the first books you read to them will be selected by you or by some other adult, there will come a time when your child begins to feel more curious and he will want to be the one to choose them.

Let him do it (with supervision, of course) and accompany you in the selection and purchase process, recommending and proposing books that you might like and that are appropriate for your age.

Create a reading corner

In order to fully enjoy an activity, we must also have the place to do so. Give your child a space where he can have his reading corner and that is for his exclusive use.

Make sure it is well lit, either by natural light or with a nice and safe lamp for your child, as well as keeping all your books in order and within reach. And of course, be comfortable so you can enjoy a good time alone with your books.

Tell him about the magic in the books

A very nice way to encourage reading and make children approach books even before they learn to read, is talking to them about the magical world that they offer us.

Tell him how with the power of imagination and a good book, you can live fantastic adventures, have great friends and even travel to wonderful places and universes, even without leaving home.

Talk to him about the benefits of reading

Tell your child not only about all the wonderful worlds he can know through books, but also about the benefits of reading frequently. Explain how, thanks to reading, you can learn more words, stimulate your brain and learn new things.

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Offer them a book every time you can

Sometimes, Even if the books are there, you need a small reminder or incentive to take them. And if at home, as in most, your children have toys, stuffed animals and a television, sometimes books go unnoticed.

Do it as a game or something fun

Remember that children learn through play, so a good way to bring them closer to books is to do it as fun or as a game. Offer a book as a fun alternative to spend time.

Do not force them to read

This is very important and one of the keys for your child to love reading: never force him to read. If you do, the only thing you will achieve will be the opposite and you will see the books as an obligation or something negative.

Never use them as punishment.

Finally, and one of the keys that we should not forget so that our children are lovers of reading, is never use books as a punishment. Avoid sending them to read to your room or impose reading as a consequence of bad behavior.

With these keys, but above all, sharing together the magical world that a good book offers, you can encourage reading in your children, making them love books.

Photos | Pixabay, iStock

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