A famous "breastfeeding addict"

A short time ago we were commenting on how an actress Angelina Jolie had made statements that were considered very positive for the normalization of the image of breastfeeding. A couple of days ago they have jumped to the media which now has also done actress Salma Hayek to British magazine Style in which it manifests "addicted to breastfeeding. "

"I am like an alcoholic. I don't care if I cry, I don't care if I get fat, I just want to do it for another week, another month, and then I see that it does so much good to my daughter that I can't stop. It's something she has much power",

He has left no doubt, confesses passionate about breastfeeding and says that although he has had difficulties, that it has hurt and that he is not helping him lose weight he does not intend to stop breastfeeding his daughter 15 months. In this case it has been quite straightforward and the truth is that I loved reading that a character of such media coverage conveys without any blush the pleasure and joy of "prolonged" breastfeeding.

"It doesn't matter if I have worked for hours, whether I have eaten or not, I know that a human being depends on me, which I must help, and that has made me mature even more, besides making me feel very good

I am little fond of celebrity magazines but I understand that, when a person reaches popularity, he ends up becoming a vehicle of influence in society. In this case I hope it will help a woman to freely expose, without being criticized for it, that He loves to breastfeed an older child and that this feeling of power and pleasure overcomes any other circumstance against.

Video: A famous singer loves me. Ep:1. The Original (July 2024).