One more reason to look for natural foods: inorganic phosphates

The more I delve into food safety issues, the more I think that, as a precaution and within the reasonable limits of each person's personal reality, we should seek a food based on natural products and not processed. Every time new disturbing data is discovered, although logically it is necessary to take them with a certain distance until it is advanced.

I have recently seen news about an animal model study that suggests that a diet high in inorganic phosphates, used in the processing of meats, cheeses, beverages and pastries, can favor the growth of lung cancer and contribute to its development in predisposed individuals. And thinking about children, in their future health, has made me think that everything they eat now can influence their state in adulthood.

According to this work, the regulation of the diet that contemplates inorganic phosphates can become an important step in cancer treatment. The Myung-Haing Chi group, from the University of Seoul, in South Korea, has proven that these compounds stimulate cancer growth. The results will be published in January in The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

The study indicates that moderate levels of phosphates have an essential role in live animals but that using them as additives for certain foods has led to them being ingested daily and in much greater quantities than those derived from an unprocessed diet.


All this makes me think that, without alarmisms or radicalisms, it is necessary that for our children we go to foods that contain additives very sparingly.