Video of a two year old Chinese boy smoking

I gaped at the sight of this video in which a Chinese boy, who appears to be two years old, smokes a cigar before the general revelry of those around him.

A few days ago we brought the news of some parents accused of giving drugs to their 17-month-old daughter and now we see this little boy smoking tobacco. The world has gone mad or humanity is increasingly absurd.

The child demonstrates an amazing ability in handling the cigar and the cigarette lighter. He turns it on himself and even places it between the index and middle fingers imitating the adult gesture. The whole scene happens sitting on his father's motorcycle, who proudly smiles after him at the watchful eyes of a few spectators who applaud the child's ability.

I don't understand what may have led a father to teach his son to smoke.

I don't understand what may have led a father to show your child smoking as if it were a fairie monkey.

I do not understand that the people who watch the scene do not take the cigar from the child and tell the father what & #? @ |% That is as a father.

I do not understand that God continues to give bread to the one without teeth.

I hope it is all the fruit of ignorance of thinking that tobacco is harmless.

I hope that when the repercussions in terms of health arrive, the son will "thank" his father for such an education.

Video: Indonesian baby smokes 40 cigarettes a day (July 2024).