Today, International Children's Book Day

Today, April 2, in addition to World Autism Awareness Day, the International Children's and Youth Book Day.

Books are a fundamental tool in everyone's life, many books even mark our lives and have helped us discover that reading is truly a pleasure.

Being a good reader is instilled from childhood, so it is so important to introduce children to the world of books since they are very young, even before they learn to read and even before speaking.

Although they are not able to understand the stories, we can leave the books at hand for them to look at and to imagine their own stories through the illustrations.

In the blog we have given some suggestions to promote the taste for reading in children, how to organize their first library and how to arrange the decoration with the idea of ​​promoting in children the love for books.

Therefore, to join the celebration of the International Children's Book Day I propose to add a book to your children's library and if you still do not, get into the habit of reading a story every night. You will enjoy both you and them.