First aid. Intoxications

Children can suffer intoxications in different ways and for different substances, but they are almost entirely avoidable. We are going to see how to act to prevent it and how to act if it happens, offering them first aid necessary.

They can be poisoned by ingestion, that is, by drinking a toxic product. It is the most usual. They can also do it by inhalation or by contact. If poisoning occurs, the responsible product must be taken to the medical center, so that it can act with knowledge of the cause.

The prevention measures To prevent it from happening they are simple. The first one, which we should take when it is born so that we cannot forget it later, is to hide and store all toxic products, corrosives and medicines in a safe place, in a high place and preferably with a padlock. You should never refill bottles with products without labeling them correctly. It is also very convenient to throw away expired food and medicines immediately.

If the poisoning the breathing and nervous state of the child must be monitored. The usual symptoms of ingestion will be nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, breathing difficulties, bad breath and unconsciousness. The child and a sample of the product must be taken to an emergency medical center. It is also convenient to call the Spanish Toxicology Center (91 562 04 20) to ask for directions.

If the poisoning has been due to a corrosive substance it is not necessary to cause the vomit because the burn in the esophagus could be increased. The corrosive substances are the bleach, the caustic soda, the sulfuric acid, the ammonia, the unblockers, the dishwashing soap, the floor cleaners, the turpentine and the tementina among others.

If poisonous mushrooms or medications have been taken, call 112 or the Toxicological Center.

When the child is unconscious or sleepy, you should never cause vomiting to avoid drowning, and you should not drink it. We will place it on its side and in a ventilated place by calling 112 immediately. If you stop breathing it is convenient to do the word of mouth.

Poisoning can also be cutaneous, when a poison or a corrosive comes into contact with the skin and penetrates it. In these cases, skin lesions may appear. This can happen with inecticides, formic acid and pesticides.

In all cases of poisoning keep calm and act calmly, both in the first aid that we do as calling 112 as soon as possible, where we will give all the data so that they can act quickly and efficiently.

Video: Emergency First-Aid : How to Treat Alcohol Poisoning (July 2024).