For the inclusion of children with disabilities: the Justice of Valencia allows a child with autism to continue studying in their ordinary school

In March 2018, the family of a five-year-old from Silla (Valencia) with Autism Spectrum Transformation (TEA) filed an appeal before the Courts, because the administration of his ordinary school transferred him in the middle of the year to another special education center, 27 km from its location.

Now a judge he gives them the reason and notes that the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Valencian Community "It violates the fundamental rights of the child and goes against inclusion". So, the child can continue in his school.

A step forward in the Recognition of inclusive school and the multiple benefits it has for children, with and without disabilities.

A fight for integration

A resolution of the Ministry of Education of the Valencian Community, of March 2018, determined that a five-year-old child with ASD (ASD) had to leave this center (which he had been attending for two years and his sister also goes ) to go to a special education school located in Sueca, 27 km from where he lives with his family.

The parents opposed, because as explained "His place is the school he goes to, with his classmates, close to his daily life" and claims that the specialized assistance he would receive in a special education school should be in his own school ".

In Babies and more Let's break down barriers to autism together: how we can help children with this disorder

So they filed an appeal against this resolution because "It violates the fundamental right to equality of article 14 of the Constitution in relation to the exercise of the right to education of article 27".

Now, a judge has recognized the right of the child "to remain in school in your ordinary school with the specialized support you need throughout the school day."

A step in favor of equality in Education

The ruling declares the resolution "contrary to law" why:

"It follows as a general principle that education must be inclusive, that is, the schooling of minors in an ordinary education center should be promoted, providing them with the necessary support for their integration into the educational system, if they suffer from any type of disability."

Therefore it highlights that:

"The educational administration should tend to the inclusive schooling of people with disabilities and, only when the adjustments that must be made for such inclusion are disproportionate or unreasonable, can the schooling of these students be arranged in special education centers."

Against this resolution it is possible to lodge an appeal before the same court and before the Administrative Litigation Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community.

But for now, sentence goes even beyond the particular case, since advocates for a more inclusive and proximity education.

Why is inclusive education important?

UNESCO defines inclusive education as "the process of identifying and responding to the diversity of the needs of all students through greater participation in learning, cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion in education."

It's based on:

  • Each child has different characteristics, interests, abilities and learning needs and educational systems and programs must take into account the wide diversity of these characteristics and needs.

  • Far from being a marginal issue about how some students can be integrated into the mainstream education, it is a method that reflects on how to transform educational systems so that they respond to student diversity.

Because as UNESCO recalls, education is a right, not a privilege.

In Babies and more, what is an inclusive school?

Benefits of a school that is committed to integration

News like those of the mothers who were happy with the change of class of a child with Asperger, remind us that there is still a long way to go in integration, but also in tolerance. What example do we give our children with these attitudes so far from what empathy means?

Children with diversity enrich the education system. Children learn from an early age to respect those who are different, without looking surprised at someone with a disability when they cross it on the street.

In Babies and more13 keys to educate children in tolerance

I know cases of integration in the school of my children and they coexist perfectly all together, they help each other, without seeing differences, because they are all partners.

But the benefits of an inclusive school, for children with and without disabilities, go much further:

  • Everyone can learn from everyone and also enhance the best of themselves.

  • It allows them to develop their particular strengths and abilities, with high and appropriate expectations for each one.

  • It fosters a school culture of respect and belonging.

  • It offers opportunities to learn and accept individual differences, which reduces the risk of bullying or bullying.

  • It makes it possible to make friends with a wide variety of children, each with their own individual needs and abilities.

  • It teaches to appreciate diversity and inclusion in all areas of life, not only in school.

  • It involves parents in the academic education of their children and in the activities of the educational community.

The multiple benefits of inclusion in ordinary schools does not mean that there are no children who adapt better in special education centers, but it must be the parents who choose the type of education they want for their children, not by imposition.

And I like. That is the kind of education I want for my children.

Photos | iStock

Video: School Board Meeting February 15, 2018 Part 1 of 2 CC (April 2024).