Holidays with or without children?

Summer is coming, vacations are practically around the corner and trips are mostly planned.

For some time this part (I would not know how to say since when), in addition to deciding where to go to summer or where to travel, many parents must make a decision: Holidays with or without children?

Reasons to choose between one or another possibility there are many. I will explain the reasons that lead me to think that, to travel, better with children, but I think it would be enormously enriching to be able to know the opinion of the fathers and mothers who read us and therefore I invite you to comment on it.

Since I was little I have always gone on vacation with my parents, in fact (call me ignorant), only two years ago I discovered that there were people who were going on a trip without their young children. As you can see, I am not a traveler, nor am I too observant.

I will tell you about the dialogue I had with a known day of discovery:

Me: Oh, this is your child! I didn't know him.
She: Yes, she's nine months old!
Me: How time goes by ... The last time I saw you, you were pregnant ...

She: Well, you know what happened to us? We went on a trip to New York for a week, and when we got back it was weirder ...
Me (from my deepest ignorance, thinking that they had all gone together and that the child had been affected by the trip and the plane): Clear man, if so many days out and so much plane.
She: Yes, yes. Look that he was with my mother, who already knows her, but when we returned we turned our face and everything.
Me (dumbfounded): Ah! But how long ago?
She: Nothing, a month or so ...

Of course, the boy was then eight months old, which coincides with the moment when more separation anguish can show. He left me stone, ice cream ... an eight-month-old boy a week without his parents. It is not that there was a greater problem at the level of care, surely the grandmother took care of him divinely, the problem is that a child of that age thinks that his parents have disappeared from the face of the earth (If they had made the trip before it would probably have affected him less).

Since that time I have spoken with many mothers and fathers and many have defended their need to disconnect and escape both to make some trip. I personally do not feel that need and the reasons why I would always travel with children are the following:

  • The more we are, the more we will laugh: It is a phrase said, but totally true. I think the moments of rest, rest and fun have to be shared with those you appreciate most.

  • We are no longer a couple, now we are a family: Many people think that in order to keep the love between the couple alive they have to continue doing the activities they did before, as a couple ... The strange thing is that when you get married nobody tells you that you have to continue doing the activities you did before, single. In fact there is a ceremony called "bachelor party", in which you celebrate ceasing to be.
    From my point of view, the moment you have a baby, the couple officially ceases to be, to become a family. In this way the family unit is made up of three people (in my case four), and wherever we move, if possible, we all go.
  • The children are alone too long: They spend the year between school (or nursery), the dining room and extracurricular ones. Contact with parents is quite poor in time and a perfect opportunity to spend time together and to play, talk and share are vacations.
  • With them you can also travel: Many friends of mine decided, after getting married, to wait a few years before having children to travel. However, I think you can do everything at once, because with them you can also travel. When they are little you should adapt to them, their schedules and their preferences, but when they grow a little they can go wherever you want.
  • Traveling is pleasure, but it is also culture: And for children they seem wonderful experiences if possible to offer them.
  • The concept of time is relative: And what for us is seven days, for them they may seem months. It depends logically on age, the smaller the children the longer the minutes are made.
  • These are the reasons why in case of traveling I would do it with my children. As I know it is a topic on which many parents will have different opinions, I encourage you to discuss it by answering the question that I have already answered: Holidays with or without children?

    Video: Holidays With Or Without Kids? Debate from Channel Mum (May 2024).