Breastfed babies are more likely to go to college

A recent study in the United States reaches an interesting conclusion: babies who had been fed with breastmilk they had better results in secondary education achieving an index higher college attendance than those who were bottle fed.

So that factors such as the mother's intelligence and family environment do not interfere, the study focused on families in which one of the children had been breastfed and the other not, taking 59 families as a sample, of which 126 children were analyzed . Thus, socioeconomic or family factors would not be significant to explain the greater or lesser academic success.

The study, published in the Journal of Human Capital, found that an additional month of breastfeeding was related to a small but significant increase in high school grades and in access to university studies.

Although the authors of the study consider that research should continue to find out if the determinant is a component of milk or is a non-nutritional aspect, but it seems clear that the academic performance of teenagers who were breastfed is superior, which is one more reason to those already known to try to breastfeed our children.

Video: How long should you breastfeed? (May 2024).