Babies highlights and more: from August 25 to 31

August ends, the end of the holiday comes for many, but in Babies and more We have continued with you at a good pace with many interesting topics that we summarize now.

This week has highlighted a topic of great relevance, pregnancy and influenza A, in which we offer symptoms and advice about the disease. We have also tried good advice to foster the intelligence of our children, and we have seen an interesting reflection on the difficulties in the relationship when the children arrive, in Being a Dad: when having a child uncovers the box of thunder.

Curiosities like a pregnancy of identical triplets also interested our readers, who have left comments on entries such as the one that treated the different types of families that we can find in the maternity plant of the hospital, or in the tips to educate our children so that Be responsible.

We have also known a television program that will be controversial, because it is about playing to be parents of strangers, incredible babies. Also interesting is the continuation of the series of posts about complementary feeding, which in this case explains when to start with it.

And, continuing with our special summer of Recipes for pregnant women, we have tasted a delicious mashed potatoes with curry. In addition, we have known the results of the survey on where we prefer to stay when we travel with children, in which they won the apartments and hotels.

Child health, as always, has had its important space with topics such as diaper rash, vaginal bleeding in newborns or data on why we should not wash the baby's clothes with fabric softener.

This week we hope to offer you many more articles and news and start September with other varied and attractive information for those who seek, expect or have children. Next week we will summarize them in a new selection of Highlights of Babies and More.

Video: Young professionals WhoMahanap pairs up with their chosen KalaWhok. It's Showtime KapareWho (July 2024).