On wheels to the operating room: the great initiative that some hospitals are launching

A few months ago we echoed a scientific study published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia, which analyzed the effectiveness of transport to the operating room in electric strollers, to children who had to undergo surgery.

This idea, which we met for the first time thanks to the Integris Baptist Medical Center Hospital of Oklahoma (United States), It has also begun to be applied in some hospitals in our country. The last to join the initiative was the University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, where children will enter the operating room driving a Lamborghini or a Land Rover.

An increasingly booming initiative

More and more hospitals in our country have joined this great initiative, and they have replaced the classic stretchers pushed by wardens, by electric strollers driven by children, but managed by remote control by hospital staff.

In Babies and more In this hospital, children enter the operating room on wheels

The University of Santiago de Compostela University Hospital has just announced that admitted children who need surgery or undergo diagnostic tests, may reach the operating room or the corresponding room in electric cars driven by wardens.

Meanwhile, at the Parc Taulí Hospital in Sabadell (Barcelona), children enter the operating room driving a convertible Audi. According to doctors, this type of initiative has achieved replace the use of anxiolytic drugs, prior to the operation, that most children required to reduce anxiety.

Also the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid It has a fleet of electric vehicles which were donated last December 5 by the company Ataa Cars, which had previously donated six cars and a motorcycle to the Virgen de la Arrixaca Children's Hospital, in Murcia.

According to those responsible for this hospital, car delivery was received with great enthusiasm by the small admitted, and ensure that entering the operating room or diagnostic test rooms in these vehicles, will help them reduce psychological trauma caused by fear of the hospital environment.

The IMQ Zorrotzaurre Clinic in Bilbao also announced a month ago the start-up of electric strollers, directed by remote control, so that the children could enter the operating room.

"98% of hospitalized children wanted to use the stroller to go to the operating room, and 100% of the children who rode in the car went without crying and calm. In addition, 95% of users woke up calm and without agitation after the intervention. These facts achieved that 100% of the parents, whose children were users of these strollers, have considered the experience as very positive "- hospital sources said.

The hospital made public a video on their social networks to demonstrate how these types of cars work and what is the attitude of the little ones when they get on them.

Although we met the initiative thanks to an American hospital, the truth is that the indisputable benefits it brings, makes it increasingly in vogue in pediatric hospitals.

On wheels to the operating room, it is much better

It can be very stressful for young children to face surgery or certain clinical trials. And although it is simple procedures, having to separate from their parents to enter an operating room or undergo certain tests or treatments, can generate great stress and worry.

In Babies and more "Teddy Bear Hospital", the project that helps children become familiar with medical procedures Distraction is an excellent way to lessen the nerves in this type of situation, and in the case of the little ones it is a technique that works perfectly.

A scientific study published in February this year showed that take the children to the operating room in cars with remote controlIt helps reduce your anxiety levels before you go into surgery, and helps make the anesthesia wake up more calm.

Why getting to the operating room by car happens to become a fun game and in a positive experience, both for the children and for their parents, who remain much calmer when they see them entering the operating room smiling.

So, I hope very soon all hospitals can have electric cars so that the little ones can say goodbye to the fear caused by entering the operating room or undergoing tests and treatments.

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