Don Quixote de la Mancha for children

Today we bring to our pages an excellent resource where the little ones can approach the work of Cervantes in a fun way. And is that Don Quijote's adventures can also be enjoyed as a family, and more from a page as interesting as this one, designed for boys and girls.

It is a high quality space, developed by the Junta de Castilla y León, dedicated to the figure of the ingenious Don Quijote. From this website we can assemble puzzles, follow the adventures of Don Quixote in comics, learn about the scenarios and characters, play discover giants and mills, color drawings of Don Quixote, play "find your pair" ...

I recommend you go through the site to know all its possibilities and choose the one that best suits your children, because there are more complex activities and other simple ones suitable for the little ones. The coloring activity on-line, as well as the comic to enjoy some of the episodes of the Cervantine novel, they sure like them a lot.

Also the puzzles to assemble characters, which also have the possibility to choose three levels of difficulty, for all ages.

For somewhat older children we can stop in the description of characters or in the dictionary, and to exercise the memory we can find the pairs of characters and animals that appear in Don Quixote, be careful because the attempts are over! Also, and this may please both children and adults, we have a compilation of typical recipes that are mentioned and tasted by the characters in the play.

After the proliferation, during the centenary of Don Quixote, of places to spread the Cervantine novel, some of doubtful quality, it seems to me that This website is a great way to bring children to the figure of Don Quijote. Also approach the history of a work that, with luck and resources like this, sooner or later will want to know more thoroughly.

Official Site | Educa Castilla y León In Babies and more | A short film about El Quijote starring children from a nursery, EnCuentos, literature for parents and children, Children, reading and television: a touch of humor

Video: Don Quixote de la Mancha for kids - Classic stories for children (May 2024).