Tips for choosing the baby's crib mobile

Although, as we said days ago, the little cafes with lights and sounds should not replace mom's arms to calm the baby, The crib mobiles are very interesting elements to entertain it while stimulating its development.

The crib mobile is the first baby toy. It contributes to visual, auditory development, chromatic perception and eye-hand coordination since the child will try to touch the elements that hang from the mobile.

During the first month, the baby focuses more attention on the black and white colors but little by little the most vivid colors, lights and sounds catch his attention.

To choose the right mobile must have some characteristics how:

  • They should hang light elements so that the baby can hit them without harming themselves.

  • They must be one piece

  • Look at the mobile from the perspective that the baby will have when buying it. Some are very pretty out, but the important thing is that the baby likes it.

  • They should not have holes or rings in which the baby's hand can be trapped.

  • Nowadays there are very sophisticated mobiles with lights and different melodies, but you can also make a very nice mobile with elements that we have at home.

  • Some project lights on the wall or ceiling, but it does not work for babies as small as their visual field is limited. He will not listen until he is older.

Use tips

  • It should be placed within the baby's visual field at a height of 25-30 cm above his head.

  • It should not interfere when lifting and putting the baby to bed in the crib

  • We must ensure that it is well fixed to the crib to prevent it from falling on the baby.

  • It would be necessary to remove it from the cradle when the baby reaches an age, around 6 months, in which he can sit and take the pieces or get hurt.