Newborn care: the bath before the umbilical cord falls

The way to bathe a baby before the cord falls off is different from how we do it later. The reason is that, in order to avoid possible infections and keep the navel as dry as possible for proper healing, it is not convenient to submerge the baby's body in the water. Before the umbilical cord falls it is preferable not to bathe the baby by immersion.

We can place the baby in the bathtub with a little water with baby soap at the bottom, and using a clean sponge, wash the newborn in parts, leaving the genitals for last. The cord has to be cleaned and cured specifically, so it is not necessary to insist on it during the bath, but nothing happens if it gets wet and then we dry it thoroughly.

There are also those who prefer to bathe the baby "dry" ("washing the cat"), on a dry surface (changing table, bed ...) and with a damp cloth, clean the baby's body. If we use sponge in this case, it should be very little soaked if we don't want it to drip.

In addition there are specialists who do not advise against the baby's bath by immersing the body in the water, provided it is a short bath and of course afterwards we dry the cord.

However, the immersion bath, which we will talk about extensively in this series of newborn care, can be delayed until two or three days after the cord fall, when the navel no longer shows mild bleeding or any secretion and the risk of infection is greatly reduced.

Tips for the newborn's bath: first days

In any case, let's wash the baby as we wash it, these are the common tips. Beginning because the first-time logical insecurity will disappear immediately if we organize with peace of mind and face this moment as one of closeness and attachment to the baby:

  • The water temperature must be adequate, between 34-37 degrees Celsius. We can check that it does not burn or be cold by introducing the inside of our wrist, the back of the hand or the elbow if we do not have a bath thermometer.
  • We also have to take care room temperature, which should be 22 to 25 degrees Celsius, and avoid drafts.
  • We must have everything necessary for the bathroom ready at our fingertips: sponge, towel, soap, clothes, brush ...
  • We cannot leave the baby alone for a moment.
  • Soaps and shampoo should be neutral and poorly scented, but we could bathe the baby with water only, especially in babies with so few days to live.
  • The sponge should be natural and special for babies.
  • The baby is stripped and the diaper area is cleaned before putting it in the bathtub.
  • The first few days it is not convenient to bathe the baby in a large bathtub, and it is difficult to be dangerous.
  • The bathtub or the surface where we are going to clean it must be clean.
  • It has to firmly hold the baby, while delicately.
  • The best posture to bathe the baby if done by a single person is to keep his back with one arm so that the baby rests his head on the forearm, supporting him by the armpit and shoulder; so the other hand is free and the baby is semi-incorporated.
  • He order to follow for washing It is from top to bottom, starting with the head and ending with the genitals.
  • The eyes, nose and ears have their own cleaning process, so they should not be stressed.
  • Do not wash or wet the cord especially, nor rub it.
  • If we talk to him during the bath, the baby will be calmer to hear our voice.
  • After bathing, the baby's entire body must be dried very well, especially between the folds and the cord area, without rubbing. Drying the delicate area of ​​the cord It is done by soft touches.
  • For drying we can use two cotton towels, a larger one for the body and a small one for the head and sensitive areas.
  • We remember the tips for dressing the newborn baby, as it is the next step after bathing, before the baby cools.
  • Take advantage of bath time to check the baby to rule out rashes, inflammations or other problems that are otherwise more hidden.
  • But above all, take advantage of bath time to enjoy it and feel us close.
  • Most babies face this new experience of newborns with pleasure, but do not be discouraged if the baby cries in the first baths, since it is logical to be frightened by the unknown. You will soon get used to it and enjoy it like us.

Finally, we point out that the bath before the umbilical cord falls It is a very special moment of contact between the parents and the baby these first days of the child's life, so taking it relaxed and enjoying the moment is very advisable. Of course, also prepare the camera to make it more unforgettable if possible.

Video: Bathing your Newborn (May 2024).