International Autism Awareness Day

Today, April 2, World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated. 2010 is the third year of its celebration and the World Autism Organization (WCO) wants to bring to society information and awareness about this disorder.

The day was chosen in 2007 by the UN General Assembly with the aim of alerting about this disease, whose incidence has increased worldwide. Already then, concern was expressed about the high incidence of autism in children and it was recalled that early diagnosis, appropriate research and intervention are vital.

Autism is an incurable disease that affects six out of every thousand children under 10 years of age and alters the abilities of communication, relationship and imagination, without, for the moment, its exact causes are known or there is no cure. There are still many unanswered questions about autism.

This year the day coincides with Good Friday, so many activities have been carried out in previous weeks. But in Babies and more We did not want to miss this date to review the latest we have brought to our pages about this disorder.

  • In the interview with Dr. Emilio Santos, we learned that "The oxytocin epidemic could be related to the autism epidemic."
  • In addition, an investigation published in Autism Research He pointed out that the older the mother, the greater the risk of autism.
  • Another study, not without controversy, related the high amount of testosterone in the amniotic fluid with autism and autism spectrum disorders.
  • While possible relationships still appear, one of them has at least ceased to be published. This is the controversial study that related vaccination with autism and has been withdrawn. This is an article published in 1998 in the British medical journal The Lancet, which linked the triple viral vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella) with the proliferation of cases of autism in children.
  • Genetic mutations have also been noted as a possible cause of autism.

We hope that efforts continue to unravel the causes of autism and to find effective treatments that make life easier and normalized for children who suffer from it. The International Autism Awareness Day reminds us today April 2 That is very necessary.