Does the elimination of the baby check influence the decision to find a baby?

Since the government announced a week ago the elimination of the baby check, couples who wish to become parents for the first time or those who want to enlarge the family may be thinking about it better.

I want to believe that no one moderately in their right mind decides to have a child just because he is born with 2,500 euros under his arm. However, it is not unreasonable to think that in times of crisis when the main impediment to having more children are economic problems, not having this help (which although it is not too much help) couples think better or decide to wait for a Time to be parents. In your case, Does the elimination of the baby check influence the decision to look for a baby?.

You cannot deny that it is a help that comes in handy. Especially for first-time parents who have to buy for the first time the basic items for the baby such as the crib, the stroller, the changing table, the clothes ... Things that are not usually necessary in the case of being a second or third baby.

Some parents have told us what utility they gave to the 2,500 euros of the baby check. As in everything, there are all kinds of situations and needs. Some really did not need it and have decided to save it for the future or give it another use, while others expected it as May water for the baby's first expenses.

It is also a very important money to pay for childcare when the maternity leave of working mothers ends or for the mother or father to stay at home with the baby for a longer time than expected.

We already know that 2,500 euros do not solve life, but they are useful before the arrival of a new member to the family because the expenses multiply.

This clipping may stop some when looking for a baby. We would like to know your situation. Does the elimination of the baby check influence the decision to have a baby? Does it delay or change the plans you had in any way?

Video: The Secret Society of the Illuminati (July 2024).