Ten expert clues to combat and prevent bullying

90% of minors who suffer bullying have psychological problems (anxiety, depression and permanent fear) and 13% of victims have to change schools, according to data from the 'III Study on bullying and cyberbullying' of Fundación ANAR and Fundación Mutua Madrileña.

To end these alarming figures, the ANAR Foundation (Help Children and Adolescents at Risk) recommends adopting a series of preventive measures that also include teacher training.

This latest study of bullying, published in October 2018, also revealed that More than a third of children with bullying do not tell their parents and the rest takes between 13 and 15 months on average to ask for help.

Further, Cyberbullying accounts for 24.7% of total cases of bullying, insults and threats being their most common form.

To tackle these types of situations, Fundación ANAR has developed a decalogue of recommendations that emphasize prevention and the need to train teachers.

1. Detect bullying since its inception

Many times it goes unnoticed and for this reason it is perpetuated and multiplies its intensity and frequency.

In Babies and more According to a recent study, bullying is brewing in the infant stage, although it begins to develop in primary

2. Prevention should focus on the smallest

Younger victims are in the process of emotional development. Are these the ones they have fewer personal resources to face the problem and are exposed from greater vulnerability, with a higher risk of suffering isolation, as they face their first experiences of socialization.

3. Develop a state protocol against school violence

Its purpose would be to minimize the damage when bullying is already a reality and would aim to know how to act and do it immediately.

It is convenient to strengthen and empower the role of teachers in solving bullying., providing means and protocols for action, which would result in greater parental satisfaction.

4. Strengthen the figure of the school counselor

Follow UNESCO's recommendation that there be At least one counselor for every 250 students, which would facilitate preventive work on school violence issues.

At the same time, control and surveillance is essential, in order to limit the number of places where violent scenes occur.

In general, reinforcing the control and monitoring of bullying is now even more important than before, since we are faced with more standardized, chronic cases and, consequently, more difficult to solve.

5. Promote parent schools

Since about 11% of bullying cases are not known to fathers and mothers, it is necessary to promote ways to detect more cases of violence, sooner and victims can find support earlier and solve their suffering also at home.

Hence the importance of raising awareness and awareness.

6. Work attitudes such as respect for others

And human values ​​that strengthen the solidarity and collective treatment, tolerance and equality, since it seems to be detected that the aggressors are now more confident and confident in their role.

7. Train school professionals

It is very important to promote collective social responsibility from the school since what happens between the victim and the stalker, is built in the group itself and it is the group that has the keys to modify the situation.

Hence, teachers must have specialized training in the subject.

In Babies and more How to detect if your child suffers bullying

8. Systematically assess victims

It is necessary to assess the cases of children and youth who suffer bullying, regardless of whether individualized treatment is followed.

9. Strengthen and activate stalking rejection positions

And also to support the stalker, by the group of classmates.

Surveys of students and teachers who participated in bullying prevention programs, conducted by the Mutua Madrileña Foundation and the ANAR Foundation, indicated that 80% of students believe that peer mobilization is one of the most effective measures to stop bullying.

10. Overcome bullying with family, school and professional support

Overcoming bullying involves supporting the victim from three fronts: family, school and professionals, contemplating the reinforcement of self-esteem, conflict resolution skills and promoting the development of their own resources.

Where to go in case of bullying

Both minors who suffer bullying or witness to these situations, or adults with indications that such situations may be occurring can be directed 24 hours a day to:

  • Telephone against Bullying, of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training: 900 018 018.

  • Helpline for Children and Adolescents: 900 20 10 10

  • Adult and Family Anar Telephone: 600 50 51 52

  • ANAR Chat: every day from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

In all cases, children, youth and adults will be attended by specialized psychologist counselors, supported by a team of lawyers and social workers.

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