Useful tips to make the return to school more bearable

Most children have started or are about to start the school year. Some go for the first time while others repeat. Of course, some will cost more than others, but all young children need our help to adapt to the new routine.

Any major change in our life requires a period of adaptation. The beginning of classes is for children a significant change, so we give you some Useful tips to make the return to school more bearable.

Accompany them

Although they are super excited to return to school and we see them very determined they need the support and affection of the parents to go through the trance of returning to school. Take them to school, go with them to class, go pick them up is essential. We are your reference figure, our presence It will give them confidence and help them feel more confident..

Give them time

Every child has your own adaptation pace. There are children who have already managed to adapt to the new space and their partners on the first day, while others may take weeks to feel comfortable. Even if they repeat. That goes for every child, so there is no comparison or pressure.

Nor should we overwhelm them every day by asking them how they did in school. Little by little the child will begin to tell his experiences.

Positive attitude

Our attitude is the reflection in which they will look. We have to tell them about the school (or the nursery), the teachers and the children with enthusiasm. We must avoid any type of negative phrase related to any of these matters.

It is harmful that we show anguish when we leave. Although inside we would like to burst into tears, we must tell them relaxed that we will pick them up later.

It is also counterproductive to "escape" so that the child does not see us. It does nothing but sow distrust and strengthen the feeling of abandonment.

Help them adapt to the new schedules

It is not easy to return to the early risers after the holidays. Helping them to rearrange sleeping hours and meal times will help them to be well rested and face the school with more energy.

Resort to the symbolic game

Armando explained to us a couple of days ago an interesting formula to help your child in adapting to school through symbolic play. It will help you get a better idea of ​​the situations you will live in school, while on the other hand it will also be a way of expressing, indirectly, how you feel.

Resort to books

In addition to the games, books are a very interesting resource to help children adapt to school. There are specific stories that deal with the first day of school, such as: Teo at school, My first day of school (both from Timun Mas editorial), Luisa doesn't want to eat at school (Ed. Edelvives), Lila goes to school Y In school with the Lunnis (both ed. Beascoa).

They are stories for young children of two or three years. When you see the illustrations and read the story, you will easily identify with the story.

The books help them connect with their feelings, express their emotions and ultimately they are a good solution for them to overcome their fears.

Video: 26 BACK TO SCHOOL LIFE HACKS (May 2024).