Almost half of children eat less than three pieces a day of fruits and vegetables

Just yesterday we published the food pyramid for children with the rations recommended to meet the energy and nutritional needs of children and adolescents. The portions of fruits and vegetables indicated are between three and five pieces, however, almost half of children eat less than three pieces a day of fruits and vegetables.

That is what a thousand fathers and mothers of children between 0 and 6 years old have affirmed in a survey conducted by Philips Avent to know the habits of parents in regard to the feeding of their children and reveal the preferences and tastes of smaller for the different foods included in your diet.

Nutrition experts believe that parents should make a small effort to improve the diet of our children so that they have a healthy and varied diet. Well, although we care each time for their food we fall short with fruits and vegetables. Only 16.5 percent of parents approve.

As for fruits, they are easier to include, since children tend to accept them better, but vegetables are usually the great enemies in the children's diet. To try to accept them better, it is important not to force them, let them choose the vegetables and offer them prepared in different ways to find the one they want.

It is known that they also prefer meats over other foods and that they eat sweets and goodies 3 times a week in 65 percent of households, while in some houses they are taken daily. A curiosity about the sweets that has caught my attention is that before a lollipop or a candy, what most Spanish children prefer is the… little worms!

54% of Spanish parents say their children make the 5 recommended daily meals, but that almost half of the children eat less than three people a day of fruits and vegetables It is still a pending matter. At home, do you get to the three daily pieces?

Video: Motivation Minute - Eating More Fruits and Vegetables (May 2024).