11 illustrations that reflect the real, beautiful, difficult and funny of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is something precious that is shared between a mother and her child, because in addition to feeding her breast milk, an intimate and exclusive moment is shared between them, in which they also strengthen their bond.

And although it is undoubtedly one of the most emotional parts of motherhood, it is also an experience in which all kinds of emotions and situations are lived. We share you 11 illustrations that perfectly reflect the real, beautiful, difficult and funny of breastfeeding.

The day you meet your baby

THE COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION OF THIS ILLUSTRATION, WILL BE DONATED FOR HELP OF REFUGEES THROUGH SAVETHECHILDREN. This is an unpublished illustration of the "Mammasutra" book that will be released in April. It represents the family, immediately after the baby is born, in which we feel absolute happiness. The price is 5 euros and I will send you a copy via mail, in high quality so that you can print it in A3 size. From the reception of the order, you will receive the illustration in your mail in 24 hours. The illustration will be on sale until April 21 and a week later I will make public the collection we get together and the donation. I leave the link of the store in the BIO. Thank you so much! @Savethechildren_es #refugees # children #savethechildren #siria #refugees #help

We begin with this illustration of Mammasutra, in which you give your baby for the first time after being born, and they receive it full of love and happiness.

That first moment alone between you and your baby

The states of love #lactance, #moderbloguer, #maternity

Undoubtedly one of the great moments of breastfeeding, is when you have your baby in your arms while looking into your eyes, an encounter between the two, where it really is love in a liquid state, as Moder Bloguer illustrates.

In Babies and more A mother shares her experience with breastfeeding through beautiful illustrations

The first weeks after delivery

Today I want to remind all those impatient visitors that - Do not appear without warning. - Do not disturb while the baby is nursing. - Do not take the baby without permission. - Flowers DO NOT EAT Welcome Martina @sandramorera #mammasutra #ilustracion #digital #maternity #bebe #lactation #visitas #gifts #flores #tuppers #food #humor #chiste # vignette #blancoynegro

When you find yourself adapting to the new life with your baby, and between breastfeeding, care and the thousand diaper changes a day, you have no time for anything, so thank you for the samples of affection, but you would appreciate them even more if you visits will arrive with some tuppers full of food and don't interrupt while you breastfeed your baby, as Mammasutra indicates.

Breastfeed at night and fall asleep with the tit out

#tocayaporalefavoretti #tocayamama #tetaytinta #webcomic #ilustration #historietaargentina #drawing #colecho #cosleeping #lactanciamaterna

If you breastfeed your baby and also practice colecho, sleeping with a tit outside is an all-night thingSometimes it happens because that is how you fall asleep, as in this illustration by Ale Favoretti, and sometimes because it is simply more practical to always leave it outside so that the baby continues to feed when he wakes at night.

In Babies and more Every night millions of women sleep with a tit outside

When you become an expert in "multitasking"

Yes, I survived #mammasutra #ilustracion #digital #maternity #pregnancy #partum #humor #children # children #baby # bullet # joke #maternity #lactation #collection #malamadre

One of Mom's "super powers" is to be able to do almost everything with one hand, and when it comes to breastfeeding, sometimes we have to become a little multitask, as in this Mammasutra vignette.

When your baby has preference on the one hand

The times that will have happened to me Santy fell asleep before taking the second one and I was more uneven ... Who else happened ... #MamaIlustrada #SerMamaEs #Maternity #children #maternal breastfeeding #lactation ## Sermama

Maybe most of the time your baby took both sides, but on occasion he fell asleep or did not want to continue breastfeeding, so he left you with a small problem: uneven breasts, as in this vignette of Mama Ilustrada.

The day you spend more time than usual away from your child

Yes, I had a great time in Madrid, thank you. But having been 18 hours away from my son is a very BIG and inexplicable feeling. #Breastfeeding

Although the body is very wise and is able to detect when the baby stops breastfeeding so often, in order to self-regulate milk production, sometimes we will find ourselves like this illustration of Agustina Guerrero: away from our baby longer than usual , which can cause our breasts to fill a little more than usual.

That moment when your son doesn't decide on the one hand

Left or right #maternal breastfeeding #tocayaporalefavoretti #tocayamama #tetaytinta #maternityilustrated #colecho #cosleeping #webcomic

As your child gets older, it also begins to show some of their preferences, and certainly one of them, is the tit that you prefer, which can make breastfeeding instead of something quiet, become a true act of contortionism.

When your son asks you to also breastfeed his toys

To his stuffed animals, to his playmobil, to Hulk of lego ... According to Minor, everyone cries and needs a tit, so ... to breastfeed it has been said # true truth #breeding #maternity #lactation

There is an unwritten rule about breastfeeding (according to children, of course): "If you breastfeed us, you will also do it with our dolls and toys." So get ready to have several "children" waiting for your turn, as in the illustration of Mama draws.

In Babies and moreThe 20 funny illustrations of a mother who narrate the day to day of motherhood

The unsolicited opinions that you sometimes receive

#maternal breastfeeding #tocayaporalefavoretti #tocayamama #tetaytinta #webcomic #ilustration

Although we know that breastfeeding is the best for the baby, and that even the World Health Organization and the Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommends continuing it as long as possible, sometimes We can find unsolicited comments or advice, many of them based on obsolete myths or beliefs about breastfeeding, as Ale Favoretti illustrates.

When you surround yourself with a tribe that supports you

The best trick to achieve a successful breastfeeding is to have support, with friends who have already had a positive experience (and are informed), have consultants, with breastfeeding groups. To raise a son or daughter you need an entire tribe, it is an African proverb that contains a universal truth, so in this society that has lost the concept of tribe, it is important to find yours again. If the other day I thanked doctors prolactance for the work they do, today I want to do it to breastfeeding groups and lactation consultants. THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, for the beautiful and important work you do. You get mothers to find their tribe, save lactations that would otherwise be lost, give advice, support and listening, (listening so important and so forgotten in many cases). Because you get moms and dads to inform themselves and be sure of their convictions and their possibilities. Because you spend your life demolishing myths without foundation, redoing with love and patience, what others get rid of at a stroke. Because in many cases, you make that couple not feel alone, because there are times that they just need to know that they are doing well against what their environment says. That is why today I would like the groups and the advisors who follow me to give you some publicity in the comments and tell you where you are from if there is a lost or lost mom or dad near you, can see you as a beacon and go to you or you. And thanks to all of you who, virtually, are creating a small tribe here. You are awesome. A kiss. #lactancia #aseractanciactancia #apoyoalalactancia #crianza #tribi

And finally, in addition to the connection with our baby, something that breastfeeding can also give us is that tribe of women who support and advise us, accompanying us in this beautiful experience and helping us when we need it.

Video: Hello Counselor - Luna, Baek Ayeon, Heyne, Lee Jungmin ENG (May 2024).