The triple viral vaccine does not cause autism: a new study confirms it again

The measles outbreak in different countries where it was considered eradicated is a reality and worries, and much. It is easy to keep at bay with a simple vaccine, but voices continue to appear without any scientific basis stating that medical immunization is harmful to our children.

Experts do not cease to prove that vaccines save lives and are necessary. Now a great investigation of the Statens Serum Institut of Copenhagen (Denmark), published yesterday in 'Annals of Internal Medicine', further reaffirms your safety in front of one of the 'side effects' attributed to the anti-vaccine movements: the triple viral vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella, does not cause autism.

Doubts about the vaccine without scientific basis

It was an article published in 1998 by doctor Andrew Wakefield who sowed doubts about the safety of the MMR vaccine. According to his study, which was shown to be false and that the license withdrawal was useful, this vaccine caused autism in children, and that the symptoms began to manifest when the injection was administered, between 12 and 15 months of age.

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But the damage was done, and the anti-vaccine movement continues to use this argument to defend its theories, although subsequent research demonstrated with proven data that the triple viral vaccine does not increase the risk of autism or trigger it in children susceptible to this disease. by different factors.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has included the anti-vaccine movement in the list of the 10 threats to global health and includes curbing it as part of its strategic plan.

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10 years of research

The Danish researchers of the study published yesterday were also the same who showed that there was no relationship between the vaccine and autism in 2002.

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Dr. Anders Peter Hviid, from the Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, explains the need for further research:

"The 2002 study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine 16 years ago, but has failed to dispel the idea that vaccination causes autism. I remember a couple of years ago we saw a tweet from Donald Trump in his presidential campaign talking about vaccines that cause autism. "

So the new study includes 6,517 cases of autism, the largest number to date, between 657,461 children born in Denmark between January 1, 1999 and December 31, 2010. They were followed from the first year of life and until August 31, 2013.

The researchers tried to specifically address some of the criticisms of the pressure group against vaccination:

  • The false idea that some groups of children were more vulnerable to autism after MMR vaccination than others.

  • They observed children with a sibling with autism and those with risk factors, such as being children of older parents.

  • They studied whether there was more autism among children who had received other vaccines before the triple viral (MMR).

As explained by Dr. Hviid in the article, it was found that all these theories are false:

"We found nothing to support the hypothesis of an increased risk of autism after MMR vaccination among Danish children, or anything that supports the hypothesis that MMR vaccination triggers autism in subgroups susceptible to environmental and family risk factors, and we did not find support for a cluster of autism cases in specific time periods after MMR vaccination. "

This means that the anti-vaccine movements have no argument to affirm that medical immunization can harm children, when it is just the other way around: not vaccinating them causes serious consequences that can be eradicated with a simple puncture.

Video: MMR Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism; Sleep Apnea Associated With Alzheimer's Protein Build-Up (May 2024).