"Tales to feel" by Begoña Ibarrola

How would you explain to your son what jealousy is? And you could tell your daughter what fear is? Many times we find ourselves lost to explain to our little ones something as complex as feelings.

Therefore, Begoña Ibarrola, writer and psychologist, has combined imagination and training, reality and fiction, to create a collection called "Tales to feel" (SM Group).

In this collection of stories, Ibarrolla takes day-to-day situations and uses a multitude of resources, such as metaphors, fiction or fables, so that children can better understand the feelings that often invade them but do not know their meaning.

Among the feelings and emotions we can find are joy, sadness, fear, anger or shame, among many others. All explained by children, elves, princes or animals so that children can feel identified.

In addition, at the end of each story we find a series of issues related to the story and the feelings that are reflected in it, or even draw the main character of each story.

Personally, I have always been fascinated by the ancient tradition of storytelling, although little by little it is being forgotten, mainly because of the lifestyle we lead today.

However, It is very important to take time to share stories with our children, since we can not only teach them values ​​or foster their imagination, but it is also a rich source to develop their language.

These books have been in my private library for a few years now, and I can assure you that they not only help me explain to children the feelings and emotions, but also make me return to my childhood every time I read them again.