Babies highlights and more: July 18-24

Today as every week we offer you a summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

We begin by remembering our Special Travel with children, for which we have published two entries in which we explain what to take in a medicine cabinet thinking about national and international trips and what documentation can you ask us when we travel with children.

Ivan has assigned several entries to the stories and how to tell them. He explained that telling a story is not as easy as it seems, what is the evolution of children in front of stories, what are the general characteristics of children's stories and has told us about a storyteller at home.

Mireia has brought us a more than interesting interview with the psychologist Ramón Soler, who has presented us in several excerpts: "Respecting children does not mean spoiling them all". Interview with psychologist Ramón Soler, "We must lower our parents from the pedestal." Interview with psychologist Ramón Soler and "Many people who defend cheeks say they are not traumatized by them." Interview with psychologist Ramón Soler.

With regard to us parents, we have talked about health and how we use it, always in the doctor: the inappropriate use of health systems and we have also explained how important it is to vaccinate children if we are going to travel: WHO recommends getting a measles vaccination before traveling to Europe.

Now focusing on babies and children, we have explained that babies process visual information much more slowly than adults, we have shown some activities that develop fine motor skills and we have talked about Eden Wood or the scary model girls.

We have done a new video analysis for Babies and more, trying this time a Bugaboo stroller, specifically the Bugaboo Donkey.

We have talked more about speech disorders, explaining what is evolutionary stuttering and what is the treatment of stuttering.

Finally I remind you what the question of the week is, so you can participate in it: Do you trust the gynecologist who "touches you"?

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more find them interesting, enjoyable and practical. We will work to make it happen.