"Travel notebook" for children of Educativos Meninheira

Today I present the original “Travel notebook for children” by Educativos Meninheira, an interesting recreational and educational proposal that will encourage children to gather information about their trips and vacations, in addition to allowing us to save those memories forever.

The size of the notebook is that of half folio and is prepared in such a way that with a single printout you get 2 notebooks with different color gamut, a print predominantly in roses and one in blues. Its price is 4.50 euros and in addition, you can use it many times, because you only have to reprint, every year and for each of the children.

The printable of “Travel notebook for children” Children from four years of age can use it, with the help of their parents and it will help them, not only to collect the experiences, but also as a reminder of the trip over time.

I imagine a small collection of notebooks that are growing in number with the child, and that we can review all that over the years. In addition to providing entertainment during the journeys, in waiting lines, at night in the hotel or at the campsite.

This “Travel notebooks for children” by Educativos Meninheira I thought it was a beautiful proposal to carry out an activity during the holidays that allows children to learn and enjoy while keeping their best memories.

Official site | Educational Meninheira
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