They relate dyslexia and problems to follow musical rhythms

According to a recent study by the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, several researchers relate dyslexia and problems to follow musical rhythms. That is, in addition to the problems associated with dyslexia, there would also be problems in detecting rhythmic musical patterns.

Recall that dyslexia is an alteration that interferes with the acquisition and processing of language, causing difficulties in the processing of phonemes, reading, writing, spelling, calligraphy and, sometimes, in arithmetic.

With the results obtained by the investigation, it was found that Children with dyslexia seem to have more problems when it comes to following musical exercises, showing a strong relationship between the ability to perceive the metric structure of music and reading.

Therefore, it can be said that the ability to perceive the alternation of tonic syllables (the syllables that have the accent of the word) and unstressed (those that do not have the accent of the word) is fundamental to distinguish the different sounds or phonemes.

So, since relate dyslexia and problems to follow musical rhythmsIt can be interpreted that early interventions based on musical games can offer some kind of benefit in the development of children's reading ability.